I created this blog to help share the exploits and adventures of our daughter Quinn (and me and Melissa and whoever else happens to be around). I probably should've thought of this a long time ago. We'll see how it goes.
Pizza is Quinn's new favorite food. As a matter of fact, I think it's the only thing she ate for the past two days. She loves it enough that she pulled the entire pizza box of the counter yesterday to get to it. This is the aftermath....
Many of you know this, but for those that don't, Quinn performed in her first Las Vegas show on June 14 & 15! The show was called Ribbon of Life and it is a charity show put on by the Golden Rainbow organization. It's an annual show, and most of the big shows and performers from the Strip (Cirque du Soleil, Mamma Mia, Folies Bergere, etc...) put on production numbers. This year, it was held at Le Théâtre des Arts at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. If you want to know more about the show or the charity, check out the links above.
Now, on to the important part....
This year, Quinn (along with Melissa) got to make her debut. Their number was called "Muppet Mania," and they danced to Kermit the Frog singing "Happy Feet".
So, without any further ado.....
Action shot...Quinn and Meliss are in the center. (everyone knows you can click on these pictures to see larger versions, right?)
They're second from the left in this one. That's Rachel and Zoey on the left (I think), for those of you that might know them.
That's my girl!...clapping during the clapping part. Always on point with the choreography.
Overall, Quinn's first show was a success. She had a little cold the whole weekend, but she focused when the lights and music came on and put on a good performance for everyone (and loved every minute of it).
Also, word is that there are some more professional pics, and possibly video of the show floating around, so I will post those here if I can get my hands on them. Keep checking back.
I'll have more pictures and video of Quinn's Las Vegas debut in a day or two, but for now, here's a picture of her and Melissa getting ready to go on stage.
They have a little carnival for the kids where I work every year, and Quinn got to go this year. The highlight this year was Elephant rides. We didn't know if Quinn would take to the elephant, but we should've know better. She absolutely LOVED it and didn't want to get off. When she did finally get off, she kept fighting us to go back and see it again.
Here we are getting ready for the festivities.
Waiting in line for the elephant.
Climbing on...
I think Melissa liked it as much as Quinn!
Nolan was there too.
And then...of course...it was time to dance!
First Quinn found the best spot, in front of the line for the elephant, so she could put on a show for the largest number of people. She even got Nolan and some other kid on the act. Take special note of their signature moves: Nolan's Pony and Quinn's booty shake.
Later. we moved the show up to the stage by the DJ. Quinn discovered a hula hoop, and I think she actually understood the concept of it, but still needs a little work on the execution:
Her Flo-Rida "Low" dance needs no work though. Her execution is flawless!
We went to a little Vegas event called Pet-A-Palooza towards the end of April. Quinn was in all her glory. It was just a big field filled with people and their dogs, food and live music. Quinn spent the whole day chasing dogs around, dancing to Gavin DeGraw, and playing with her dog friends Pax (who for some reason we have no pictures of) and George, seen below.
A few weeks ago, Quinn (and the rest of us) got to meet her newest cousin, Max. Leigh (Brett's cousin) ventured out to Vegas to go to her sister Jen's baby shower (yes, another baby on the way) and brought Max for his first big trip. He took it pretty well.
Here is Melissa with Quinn and Max at Jen's house:
And Leigh with the two kiddos. Quinn has a thing for touching Max's head.
Quinn giving Max a kiss. Excuse the hair, she just woke up.
The proud mamas:
More touching. Quinn also likes to play Mom to anyone smaller than her. This was after she had already tried to help change Max's diaper and brush his hair.
But when it comes to her own mom, she still wants to be the baby.
Quinn playing with Leigh, who probably enjoyed reading 'The Tooth Book' because she hasn't done it 1000 times (Just wait a year or so).
Max, Leigh, Quinn and Brett before heading to the airport.
Nothing too fancy. We didn't have any family or visitors in town for Easter this year, so we ended up having dinner at the McCoys' house. I guess Steve, Summer and Ethan are pretty much Vegas family at this point, at least on holidays.
Quinn had a great time because she got to see her little buddy Ethan.
Once again, we had a ton of people come out to visit within weeks of each other in March. It gets a little hectic, but it's always a good time, and it's nice to see everyone.
First to make the trip was Phillip (Melissa's cousin) who was visiting from San Diego.
Unfortunately, Quinn was really sick for some of the time. I'm pretty sure this is the only time she's EVER fallen asleep on her own on the floor. She had a fever of about 102.
But she bounced back strong. Our next visitor was Chas (another cousin of Melissa's).
Chas was in for some type of convention...or whatever, but we also put him to work at our house, putting together a vacuum cleaner. Of course Quinn helped.
Our next visitors were Gigi and Poppy. They came out to see Quinn over Spring Break. Gigi and Quinn read some books together.
Then Quinn helped vaccuum the house.
And then they got ice cream, which they both loved.
Quinn also got to hang out with Poppy when we weren't all watching basketball.
He even helped her do one of her puzzles.
It was great being able to see some friends and family from home. Come visit more often.